National Cannabis Review.
Linking the Marijuana Industry since 2008
Equipment Manufacturer

Pure Hemp

Pure Hemp
Pure Hemp
Barcelona, Overseas E1100
Equipment Manufacturer
34 93 290 61 00
The Tide is Turning for Earths Oldest Crop 2018 has been a big year for hemp and beyond. We have seen Jeff Sessions rescind the Cole Memorandum, sending shockwaves throughout the burgeoning cannabis industry in the United States. Republican Senator Mitch McConnell has finally caught up with the times, it appears, and is endorsing a landmark hemp bill in Kentucky that would essentially see the floodgates swung wide open for mass hemp cultivation. We have also seen a former Republican chair speaker go from anti-drug crusader to advocate. All the while, the wheels keep churning. Here is a quick low down of some key events:Jeff Sessions: Yes, yes, Jeff, we know, good people dont smoke marijuana. But do good people advocate dismantling a medical program that helps millions of people? The Attorney General seems to think so. Sessions has been a constant thorn in medical cannabis side since taking office, and seems to solidify the old adage that you
Hemp requires little or no pesticides as it is naturally pest resistant. When grown in rotation has been known to reduce pests in future crops. Hemp also requires no herbicides as it is grown densely and naturally out competes weeds and as such is an ideal organic crop. Hemps deep root system is effective in preventing erosion, removing toxinsphytoremediation, and aerating the soil. Hemp is a high yield fibre crop, known to be four times that of traditional wood sources. Hemp can be used effectively in many applications as an alternative to wood or fossil fuels. Hemps abnormally high cellulose levels make it a perfect base for eco-plastics.
Updated: 12/2/2020
Listing Update Code: 3065
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