Mon Sun: 9S00am 9:00pm |
303 582 5171 
Across Colorado, all eight Strainwise stores are a tribute to Higher Living, a phrase used to describe anyone on a journey or mission to better themselves, their situation or their community. On all four walls you will see posted words of wisdom, an array of framed licensure, clear cut laws and detailed steps that need to be taken in order to, Consume Intelligently. In addition to this professionalism, there is energy in the air. The passion that the Budtenders have for their product is palpable. These men and women rise up above and beyond the status of simple retail help. They are not only educators and teachers, but they also serve as guides along your journey. They are bold testimonials personified. The physical atmosphere is clean and classy. The hard wood flooring and cutting edge display cases maintain the perfect balance between a state of the art science lab and an earthen, old world respite. Providing everything from flower, concentrat |
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This web site contains no advertising. Listings in this directory are licensed business. Reviews and editorials are the opinion of the author, not those of the National Cannabis Review.
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Reduce violence on the border, support local growers, keep your cash in your community, and get consistent quality
Legalize It World Wide!. |
