National Cannabis Review.
Linking the Marijuana Industry since 2008
Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Burnzwell MMC

Burnzwell MMC
Burnzwell MMC
4751 E 46th Ave Denver
Denver, Colorado 80216

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Medical Marijuana Dispensary
M - SA : 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM --- SU : 10:30 AM - 7:00 PM
We are running specials everyday with new patient registration. Please feel free to contact us or stop by from 10 am to 7 pm daily.
The company is working hard make sure we continue to provide quality medicine at competitive prices. The new state of the art grow with a more convenient location right off the interstate and plenty of parking will help Burnzwell serve our patients with ease and abundance.We are running specials everyday with new patient registration. Please feel free to contact us or stop by from 10 am to 7 pm daily.
Updated: 12/22/2018
Listing Update Code: 48
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