National Cannabis Review.
Linking the Marijuana Industry since 2008


2911 Tech Center Drive
Santa Ana, California 92705
Monday Saturday: 10am 8pm and Sunday: 11am 7pm
949 304-8664
As pioneers in Californias medical marijuana movement, we recognize our enormous responsibility to our patient-members and our community, which is why we hold ourselves to the highest possible standards. We are meticulous about everything from the quality, safety and efficacy of our products, to the compassion and professionalism of our staff.Lawful and legitimate.We are one of the few dispensaries licensed by Orange County. This means were regulated by and compliant with the Orange County Medical Marijuana Ordinance, California Health and Safety Codes governing medical marijuana, California Proposition 215 Californias Compassionate Use Act of 1996, and the California Medical Marijuana Program Senate Bill 420, approved to clarify Prop. 215 in 2003.Your patient experience matters.We are here to ensure that you have safe access to your medicine. Our dispensary is a clean, welcoming and secure space, where youll be treated with respect and compassion. We have friendly, knowledgeable staff and
Updated: 1/3/2018
Listing Update Code: 15403
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